Saturday, October 20, 2007


Last week I went to a JET information's a program for recently graduated students who go to Japan and teach English to Japanese students. It sounded like such a cool experience! I definitely want to keep that in mind for after I graduate, even though it is really far in the future.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


きのう Albany からNew Yorkまできました。でんしゃでいきました。それからべんきよしました。ろくじにばんごはんをたべました。それからえいがをみました。ごぜんいちじにねました。

Culture in the Classroom

I think one way to get to know Japanese culture better would be to watch parts of different Japanese movies in class. Japanese cinema is so well-regarded in the world, I think it is really an assett to the culture. Of course, we'd probably want to watch them with subtitles :-) . Also, this particularly would interest me because I'm also taking a film class and I'm really interested in film, so connecting these two interests would be really cool! Hopefully we could do that at least once or twice this year.